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Critical Cataloguing for Digital Preservation: a research commercialisation follow-on project

Digital Preservation Southampton

Digital Preservation Southampton was launched in 2025. We provide bespoke, flexible digital preservation solutions for organisations in all sectors, empowering you to safeguard your collections into the future. To find out more, visit our webpage or follow us on LinkedIn.

Project Details

This project addresses the stewarding of digital assets within cultural and heritage organisations. Although the technical problems associated with this complex issue have been largely solved, two further difficulties prevent them from being adequately implemented. The first is the limited capacity of a much-pressed sector and the second is the need for increased attentiveness to the social and cultural conditions that arise from the preservation of digital artifacts. This project, drawing on original research and a scoping study of the needs of the market, will provide commercial solutions to both.

Specifically, the project will maximise the impact of recently completed AHRC-funded research into justice-oriented cataloguing practices (‘Legacies of Catalogue Descriptions and Curatorial Voice: Opportunities for Digital Scholarship’), by embedding research outcomes into the development of a novel commercial activity, the Southampton Digital Preservation Advisory Unit. Once market ready it will offer commercial products - such as expert classes, in-house training, and retained consultancy on digital preservation - that are rooted in critical cataloguing practices to a target market of small- to medium- sized GLAM institutions, community heritage groups, and civic and commericial organisations.

In previous research we have established that Galleries, Libraries, Archives, and Museums (GLAM) professionals were keen to renew, revise, and refresh their approach to metadata production and use. Initial market research has also established that there is a commercial opportunity to offer expert, hands-on, and targeted training, guidance, and support to GLAM institutions and community heritage groups in developing new forms of digital preservation best practice. By combining these two insights this rapid 11-month programme of research commercialisation activity will:

Critical Cataloguing for Digital Preservation: a research commercialisation follow-on project is a Southampton Digital Humanities project. The project run between September 2023 and July 2024. The project builds on research outcomes of Legacies of Catalogue Descriptions and Curatorial Voice: Opportunities for Digital Scholarship, a project funded under the Arts and Humanities Research Council (UK) “UK-US Collaboration for Digital Scholarship in Cultural Institutions: Partnership Development Grants” scheme.


Preserving our Digital Pasts: Stories, Methods, Futures (13 June 2024, University of Southampton) gathered professionals from digital preservation, cultural heritage, and related fields to share experiences, explore preservation methodologies, and envision future collaborations. The event, hosted by Digital Preservation Southampton, featured a mix of talks, panel discussions, and rapid training sessions designed to educate, enlighten, and facilitate networking.*



The project is led by James Baker, Professor of Digital Humanities at the School of Humanities, University of Southampton.

Our Commercialisation Project Officer is Joash Johnson.

Our participants include digital preservation professionals, archivists, librarians, and museum curators with digital preservation needs. They were selected following a call for participation


Critical Cataloguing for Digital Preservation: a research commercialisation follow-on project is funded under the Arts and Humanities Research Council (UK) “Arts and Humanities-led Research Commercialisation” scheme. Project Reference AH/Y005546/1. Funding value £40,954. The project is live between 1 September 2023 and 31 July 2024.


This project is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (exceptions: logos and marked images). Unless otherwise stated, project code is licensed under a GNU General Public License v3.0.